Power Sweeping & Policing for Denver

Cleaning Our Environment

CAM Services provides power sweeping solutions in Denver, Greenwood Village, and the metro area. We utilize GPS technology and voice communications to track the time and duration of service on your property. Our highly trained personnel complete power sweeping jobs at night and skilled day porters provide services during the day.

Benefits of Power Sweeping

Well-maintained, clutter-free sidewalks and parking areas create a positive first impression for potential customers. Power sweeping removes debris, minimizes pollutants in nearby waterways, prevents damage to the pavement caused by abrasive sand and dirt, and can extend the life of your pavement and seal coating.

Choosing a Power Sweeping Contractor

Regardless of who you choose as a contractor, be sure they have a reputation for quality service by asking for a reference list and making sure that the company has the employees and equipment to handle your job. Ask if they have insurance, and be sure to get a copy of all insurance certificates as you could be held responsible if the company is not insured.

The Power Sweeping Process

When you hire a power sweeping contractor, always ask what is included as a part of their services. If you need additional services beyond what they offer as part of their standard contract, be sure you are quoted a price for the entire job. Although each company operates differently, there are some common things you should expect:

  • Power sweeping machines pick up trash, but not liquids or large debris.
  • Power sweepers remove debris, but they don’t get stains out of pavement.
  • Depending on the traffic in your parking area, debris will begin to accumulate again after the sweeping job is completed.
  • You can schedule service at the frequency that best fits your needs to keep your parking area clean.
  • Sweeping contractors are not responsible for slip and fall accidents.
  • The machines are only at your location for a limited time, and spills, leaks, and debris can occur after the lot is swept.
